‘Prioritizing personal growth is essential to pursue success and fulfillment’

‘Prioritizing personal growth is essential to pursue success and fulfillment’

Seyitan Atigarin is a TV moderator, broadcast writer, occasion have and the innovative head of Abebibytan. She holds a degree in Mass Correspondence from Contract College and a Graduate degree in Global Transmission News coverage from Birmingham City College. Her profession traverses working in different television, radio and online stages including Stations, Ebonylife, Red television, Motivation FM and Emerge News. Atigarin is an anchor on The Morning Show and Newsday on Emerge News Organization. In this meeting with IJEOMA THOMAS-ODIA, she talks about her telecom profession while driving ladies not entirely set in stone and have unlimited energy to vanquish new levels and push limits.

Take us through your profession way?
I would compare my vocation way to an outright exhilarating thrill ride through the powerful universe of media. Picture this: a youthful Seyitan, scarcely out of her teenagers (16 years of age at that point), furnished with just a mouthpiece, her voice, and a furious assurance to vanquish the wireless transmissions, jumping carelessly into the domain of radio telecom. My earliest experience was on the Morning public broadcast with Dan Encourage, a power of nature and a very much regarded telecaster at that point. I finished that work for the late spring, and I right away realized this was where I was intended to be, yet I expected to complete school first.

In the wake of procuring a Graduate degree in Worldwide Transmission Reporting at Birmingham City College Correspondence, I momentarily filled in as the news consumption director at Emerge television London. In 2014, I moved back to Nigeria, where my most memorable occupation was as the creation director for Playcenter Nigeria on ventures like Hit the dance floor with Peter, Big name B-ball Faceoff, and Mavin Access Show. I at last turned into a normal benefactor on Black Life television’s Men’s Corner. I likewise worked at UBA’s Red television, facilitating ‘The Sauce – a diversion and way of life show – and the stage’s honorary pathway show ‘Red on Red.’ In 2017, I consolidated my life in media with my energy for movement by teaming up with three different media characters and RED television to make Here and Presently: The Undertakings of Tasa, a web-based series reporting four young ladies encountering the assorted societies of Africa through movement. Toward the finish of that very year, I took a rest from introducing to zero in on my kimono line ‘Abebibytan’. When I reemerged in 2019, I was once again at Emerge News, where I turned into the Lead Journalist on #ENDSARS, a call to end police severity in Nigeria. My experience in media outlets has additionally seen me covering the Oscars and Grammys Live in Los Angeles and the Royal celebration of Ruler Charles III and Sovereign Camilla at Westminster Convent. I’m another anchor on The Morning Show and Newsday on Emerge News Organization.

How have you had the option to consolidate your energy for broadcasting, facilitating and design?
Truly, it has not been simple, and I’m actually attempting to sort it out. Broadcasting and facilitating remain closely connected in numerous ways; where in one, you are in a studio introducing to a group of people, and in the other, you are straightforwardly before that crowd dispersing data. At the point when you think about it, however, in doing both, there is a visual assumption that has its underlying foundations in design and what you look like. I have been fortunate to have invested critical energy with design industry monsters while facilitating Emerge Style Week; seeing all that in the background set me up to a degree. As the imaginative overseer of Abebi, rejuvenating my inventive vision has been exhausting, however getting results makes everything worth the effort.

How have you advanced throughout the long term?
I’m actually developing; there are things I’m doing now that I never thought I was prepared to do; maybe more precisely, I would contrast my development with a chameleon smoothly adjusting to its environmental factors. From beginning as a radio understudy to turning into a television moderator, columnist, occasion compere and presently the imaginative overseer of Abebi – my collection has extended to incorporate not simply live detailing, interviews, crowd commitment and narrative creation yet additionally Driving my Plan Groups, Pattern Determining and Exploration, item improvement and by and large assuming a significant part in molding the innovative bearing, visual personality, and outcome of ABEBI by ceaselessly driving development, separation and brand steadfastness in a serious industry scene. Each experience, whether covering honorary pathway occasions or driving notable analytical reports, has shaped her into the complex stalwart I am today.

You are sending off a native style brand, how can you experience your fantasy through it?
Sending off a Prepared to Wear assortment for ABEBI resembles watching a fantasy emerge just before my eyes, complete with a soundtrack of victorious display and confetti cannons. This move is an opportunity for me to sprinkle a smidgen of my particular style onto the design scene, each fasten and crease, reinvigorating my vision. Each second post-jump start is me experiencing my fashionista dreams like a scene from the Coldplay tune, Life in Technicolor. Through this endeavor, I have communicated my innovativeness and energy for design, epitomizing my own style and social legacy. By mixing components of Nigerian culture into our plans, I have satisfied my enterprising desires as well as contributed in my manner to advancing native craftsmanship and character.

Share with us your growing up and what it meant for your enthusiasm for what you do today?
My childhood peruses like a content straight out of an endearing transitioning film set against the scenery of clamoring Lagos. Since early on, my mom urged me to do what I adored while imparting the excellence of difficult work, no matter what the conditions. I was raised in the midst of an embroidery of different societies and customs, investing energy with her in Lagos and my dad in the US. I fostered a sharp feeling of interest in expressions and culture and in the middle between, as well as a profound appreciation for narrating since the beginning, which has straightforwardly impacted my affection for the media and style industry.

What do you think about a high point in your profession?

A high point in my profession incorporates covering noticeable occasions like the Oscars. Picture this: remaining in the midst of the glamour and fabulousness of the Foundation Grants, receiver close by, prepared to convey a show-halting report to crowds all over the planet. A second epitomizes long stretches of difficult work, commitment and sheer assurance, demonstrating that fantasies really do materialize. It’s a similar inclination I had covering the Grammys in Los Angeles and the Crowning ritual of Lord Charles III and Sovereign Camilla in Westminster Nunnery. Furthermore, my job as the Lead Columnist on #ENDSARS, upholding for a finish to police ruthlessness in Nigeria, supported my obligation to effective news coverage and civil rights.

What are a portion of the difficulties you have experienced in your excursion and how you have scaled through?
I have experienced different difficulties in my excursion, including exploring the cutthroat media scene and adjusting the requests of my vocation with individual goals to face cultural standards and assumptions; I have experienced my reasonable part of obstructions. In any case, similar to I have seen my mom do on many times, I have dealt with them directly; like a carefully prepared champion engaging considerable enemies in a legendary journey for greatness, through strength, determination and ceaseless learning, I conquer these difficulties. A repetitive quality that has helped me is my capacity to adjust to changing conditions and influence my range of abilities and organization, empowering me to successfully scale through the snags.

What drives you for progress?

It resembles asking what fills a rocket transport rushing towards the stars or what keeps a long distance runner looking for some kind of employment a large number of miles. It’s an intense creation of enthusiasm, assurance and a sprinkle of the Essence of God, pushing me towards my objectives with relentless energy. My drive for progress originates from my affection for narrating, backing and imaginative articulation. I’m roused by the chance to have an effect through my work, whether it’s enhancing significant stories, enabling ladies or advancing social pride. My commitment to greatness and ceaseless improvement pushes me towards accomplishing my objectives and emphatically affecting my field.
What is your interpretation of ladies living their fantasies and being a superior form of themselves?
I trust in the force of ladies to experience their fantasies and become better variants of themselves. I extraordinarily advocate for ladies’ strengthening and urge them to seek after their interests bravely, break hindrances and overcome cultural presumption. Ladies can beat obstructions and open their maximum capacity by embracing realness, strength, and self-conviction. I need to face a daily reality such that ladies can quickly jump all over each chance, break unattainable ranks, and embrace their inward manager darlings with proud energy. All things considered, who runs the world? Young ladies, clearly.

How could more ladies live above cultural generalizations? What exhortation do you have?

My recommendation is to act naturally proudly and audaciously. It’s tied in with turning the tables, changing the account and demonstrating that ladies are something other than generalizations — they’re rockin’ rollers, equipped for accomplishing anything they put their energy into. Ladies should embrace their uniqueness, develop fearlessness and challenge restricting convictions to live above cultural generalizations. By laying out aggressive objectives, looking for mentorship and supporting each other, ladies can destroy generalizations and set out open doors for them and others. Focusing on self-awareness, strength, and validness is fundamental for seek after progress and satisfaction.

What is your life mantra?

“Live intensely, love wildly, and chuckle frequently – never a disappointment, consistently an illustration.” It’s a suggestion to embrace existence with great enthusiasm, move toward difficulties with mental fortitude, and sprinkle a little humor into each circumstance. All things considered, laughter is a pain killer with no side effects.
It’s straightforward: Think outside the box, modify the standards, and pioneer a path of development and greatness. It’s the ideal opportunity for Nigerian ladies to step into the spotlight, quickly jump all over their opportunity, and show the world their capacities. I desire to see Nigerian ladies embrace their potential completely and seek after their goals with certainty and assurance. I urge ladies to challenge cultural standards, seek after training and profession open doors, and contribute effectively to country building and local area advancement. Nigerian ladies can drive positive change and motivate people in the future by cultivating a culture of strengthening, inclusivity, and coordinated effort.

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